Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of Kim Piersol.
Welcome to my rrpicturearchives.net website. The photo albums are practically divided into two parts - (1) current ongoing photos (2004 & subsequent) and (2) historical (1969 to 1981):
Historical - These photos have been digitalized from my 35mm slides. Mostly photos from my stint living in the Chicago area (Riverdale) 1973-1977. Concentration on roster type shots but spent a good deal of time taking action photos at some of the many Chicago area crossings. I was also a very active slide trader during this period and would eventually like to digitalize some of the better slides I received in trade to share with you. Unfortunately, some of the people I traded with 30+ years ago are no longer with us, so please accept my contribution to their legacy.
Photos generally fall into four different time periods:
Germany (US Army tour) - 1970-1972
Reading, PA area - 1972-1973
Chicago - 1973-1977
Philadelphia - 1977-1980
I dropped out of the rail photography scene from 1981 to 2004.
Current - With the digital camera era, I have again become an avid rail photographer. Living in NJ close to the CSX Trenton Line, most of my photos are action shots of either the CSX or NS Lehigh Line.
Please feel free to e-mail me with questions or comments, or if you just want to chat. I am a sticker for details, so if you detect that something seems amiss in one of my photo descriptions, please let me know.
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!